If you have outstanding debts from overdue invoices, rent arrears, bounced cheques or any other trading debts, we can help.

Award winning consumer debt collection agency

Award winning consumer debt collection agency

Manage consumer debt portfolios easily by partnering with the UK's best consumer debt collection agency today. AYOM have a multitude of tools including bespoke APIs available to manage large scale consumer debt portfolios.

Keep track of your cases with our 24 hour client portal and have access to not only expert debt collection services but legal escalation if required.

All we need is a little information. To begin, tell us about your debt.
This must be a value, such as 150.00
This must be a value, such as 1, or 99
We need to know the age of the debts

This form will take less than 60 seconds to complete.

Manage consumer debt portfolios easily by partnering with the UK's best consumer debt collection agency today. AYOM have a multitude of tools including bespoke APIs available to manage large scale consumer debt portfolios.

Consumer Debt Collection

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Manage single and multiple invoices through 24hr client portal.

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Access proven, tested, escalating recovery strategies with legal reminders.

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Bespoke packages available including creation of APIs for larger portfolios.

What we can help with

Rent arrears

Unpaid invoices

Late payments

Tracing services

Credit checking

Statutory demands

Legal support

Process serving

Did you know?

Are You Owed Money Ltd has been awarded the "Debt Collection Service Provider of the Year" award by Corporate Livewire readers.


Consumer debt is classed as money owed by an individual relating to personal and household matters rather than business. Consumer debt relates to debt owed by using products or services that go towards the individual or their family.

Examples of consumer debt include rental arrears, credit cards, loans, overdrafts, phone bills, utility bills and goods on credit such as sofas, TVs and other household items. If your business is suffering from non paying debtors, bring in the experts and give yourself the best chance of recovering your money.

How can a debt collection agency help you?

We are sympathetic and attentive to every creditor's situation. Each customer is different and consumer debt collection requires staff with extensive knowledge. We ensure we dedicate each customer a case handler for exactly this reason. They will listen to you; learn your situation and story. This allows us to chase debts with as much information as possible, raising your chances of seeing your debt recovered in full and sooner.

We have all the necessary tools to track and monitor a debtor's situation. Our recovery team will analyse the financial status of a debtor so we have the most accurate knowledge of whether they can pay. Our recovery team are also very well versed in laws surrounding consumer debt and our qualified on-site legal team are able to help prepare court documents if necessary.

Real time updates via a 24hr client portal.

Industry leading tracing systems.

Multi award-winning service.

On-site legal team to provide experienced, expert support.

Why choose AYOM Debt Collectors?

Are You Owed Money have a professional, experienced team offering expert advice about collecting your debts. The combination of an experienced collections team, legal support, case handlers and a proven collection strategy brings together a service you can rely on, all this alongside a superior client portal which allows you to track your case from beginning to end.

The client portal lets you see how and when we've contacted your debtors as well as what we have recovered. Using a simple login you can access your case anywhere in the world both in and outside of office hours.

With years of experience, excellent staff training and an impressive track record of results including award winning services and procedures, Are You Owed Money Ltd is your best opportunity to recover your consumer debts.