If you have outstanding debts from overdue invoices, rent arrears, bounced cheques or any other trading debts, we can help.

Accurate, Reliable Tracing Services

Accurate, Reliable Tracing Services

Not every creditor has the current information of those who owe money. Debts may be listed under previous addresses, numbers and emails. With AYOM's tracing services, you can reliably find the latest contact details of debtors.

Serving papers can be costly if it has to be signed for and delivered in person. Don't waste time visiting an incorrect address by confirming your data beforehand.

All we need is a little information. To begin, tell us about your debt.
This must be a value, such as 150.00
This must be a value, such as 1, or 99
We need to know the age of the debts

This form will take less than 60 seconds to complete.

Not every creditor has the current information of those who owe money. Debts may be listed under previous addresses, numbers and emails. With AYOM's tracing services, you can reliably find the latest contact details of debtors.

Tracing Services

Buildings Icon

Get up to date information on individuals and businesses.

Computer Icon

Run single or multiple traces regularly to keep data reliable.

Business Person Icon

Escalate traces to process serving with our range of packages.

What we can help with

Save time compiling and running traces

Save resources for business critical work

Access industry leading tracing systems

Easy escalation to serving documents

Did you know?

AYOM regularly assesses our data quality through our partners to ensure we have the highest possible percentages of high quality data.

What is Tracing?

Tracing is the process of updating records on either a person or a business. This is done to ensure any correspondence regarding a debt is being sent to the right place. If a debt stretches on, there is a risk that contact details may become outdated. Addresses, phone numbers and emails may all change, making it harder to make contact about a debt.

Running a trace with AYOM gives you the opportunity to scour every available location where data is stored. With this we can then provide you with the right information needed to recover your money.

How can a debt collection agency help you?

A debt recovery agency provides the ability to carry out all aspects of the debt collection process. With tracing in particular, we have the systems in place to very quickly find all available information on a person or business.

We also have the facilities to do traces, credit checks and searches at regular intervals for an unlimited amount of debtors. Should the debt continue to provide difficult to collect, we can also step in and assist with the collection process, carrying out collections, serving documents and escalating to enforcement if necessary.

Run regular, scheduled traces.

Up to date, complete information.

Multi award-winning service.

Escalate and send legal letters.

Why choose AYOM Debt Collectors?

Are You Owed Money sets an industry standard for debt collection and credit control.

Our team comprises of highly experienced individuals with the knowledge to get the results you want. We invest in our team to ensure we provide the best service available. We are accredited with Investors In People, making sure we have the perfect environment to tackle your credit control needs.

Join our extensive network of clients alongside some of the biggest UK companies including banks, not for profit entities and consumer credit organisations.

With years of experience, excellent staff training and an impressive track record of results including award winning services and procedures, Are You Owed Money Ltd is your best opportunity to recover your business debts.